John J. Lepri

John J. Lepri

Professor Emeritus

(336) 334-4132
419 Eberhart Building


Mammalian reproduction, animal physiology


Ph.D., North Carolina State University


I am an organismal biologist, with past research in animal physiology. I have taught courses in principles of biology, animal physiology, biological clocks, endocrinology, and vertebrate reproduction. Throughout these efforts, I have focused on mechanisms of action since cause-and-effect analyses of biological problems aids understanding and formulating more accurate solutions.

I have worked extensively in the College Board’s Advanced Placement Biology program, including service as Chief Faculty Consultant with ETS® (formerly the Educational Testing Service). My AP-Biology work has crossed my path with those of many outstanding teachers, some of the best people I have known. With three co-authors, we produced a successful and effective textbook for high school classes in AP-Biology (Biology for the AP® Course, BFW Publishers).

My current work (June 2024) is directed to further developing interactive textbooks in biology.

Recent Publications

Lepri, J. and F. Bell. 2012. Strive for a Five: Preparing for the Biology AP Examination, to accompany D.M. Hillis, H.C. Heller, D. Sadava & M.V. Price. 2012. Principles of Life. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

Alston-Mills B, Lepri JJ, Martin CA. 2011. Modulation of mammary gland development in pre-pubertal mice as affected by soya and milk protein supplements. British Journal of Nutrition 06(4):502-9. Epub 2011 Mar 9.

Lepri, J. J. 2004. Self measurement of biological rhythms. Custom Lab Manual in Human Physiology. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings.

Marchlewska-Koj, A., J. J. Lepri and D. Muller-Schwarze (editors). 2001. Chemical Signals in Vertebrates IX. Kluwer/Academic Press. 502 pages.

Caldwell, H. K. and J. J. Lepri. 2001. Disruption of the fifth melanocortin receptor alters the urinary excretion of aggression-modifying pheromones in male house mice. Chemical Senses 27:91-94.

Lepri, J.J. 2000. Ten years of lessons in physiology instruction: test often and test deep. in Tools for Better Learning: Reshaping Undergraduate Science and Engineering Education, Sigma Xi Forum Proceedings, “.” Minneapolis, MN.


Principles of Biology I (BIO 111)
Biophysics of the Human Body (ISC 111)
Milestones of Science (ISC 211)
Biological Clocks (BIO 425)
Animal Physiology (BIO 477)
Chemical Senses (BIO 567)
Vertebrate Reproduction (BIO 555)
Advanced Topics on Hormones and Animal Behavior