Dr. Christine Chase

Mitochondrial functions in plant reproduction —insights from S male-sterile maize

Dr. Christine Chase

September 30, 2020

Mitochondria are the cellular site of critical pathways for bioenergetics and central metabolism. They are also an important source biosynthetic intermediates and cellular signaling molecules.While mitochondria carry a genome essential to these functions, the coordinate action of over2,000 nuclear genes is also required. In the seed plants, mitochondrial-nuclear genome interactions are exemplified by the mitochondria-encoded cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)trait, which can be reversed by nuclear restorer-of-fertility genes. Many, independently evolved CMS systems have been studied to gain insights into these genetic interactions. Among these,the S type of CMS (CMS-S) in maize is unique in that a mitochondria-encoded pollen collapse phenotype can be reversed by multiple, independent, nuclear restorer-of-fertility lethal (rfl)mutations that also condition a homozygous-lethal seed phenotype. The molecular and cellular features of these phenotypes were investigated to understand mitochondrial contributions to maize reproduction. CMS-S pollen collapse was characterized by features typical of mitochondria-signaled programmed cell death in animals. Rescue of CMS-S pollen, surprisingly,occurred by limiting pollen mitochondrial gene expression. A collection of rfl mutations was developed in a Mutator (Mu) transposon background and two rfl mutations were shown to disrupted nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. These mutations reduced the accumulation of mitochondria-encoded respiratory proteins in CMS-S rfl pollen to less than 25% of normal (N) cytoplasm controls. While CMS-S rfl pollen can effect fertilization in the absence of competition from non-mutant pollen, 75-95% of pollinations were accomplished by pollen carrying the non-mutant (+) allele in crosses of N-cytoplasm rfl /+ pollen parents. Maize pollen function is therefore flexible with respect to requirements for cytochrome pathway respiration, but fertility is enhanced in the presence of a wild-type cytochrome pathway. Light microscopy revealed early developmental arrest of rfl mutant embryos and endosperms compared to wild-type siblings, consistent with more stringent requirements for cytochrome pathway respiration during maize seed development.