Dr. Cerrone Foster

One Size Does Not Fit All: Leveraging Multiple Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Student Learning and Mindset

Cerrone Foster

Dr. Cerrone Foster

November 2, 2022

Hosted By Dr. David Remington

As we continue to adapt to changes in the 21st century, it becomes increasingly important that students become science literate and develop a toolkit for academic success. The need for these skills is highlighted by recommendations outlined in the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action in Core Competencies for Undergraduate Education. Common challenges during the transition to college include student motivation and engagement, difficulty to adapt to high course structure, critical thinking, and communication skills. Metacognition, which is “thinking about thinking”, has become a successful tool with intentional actions to monitor and improve student learning. Participants in this interactive session will learn how to incorporate metacognitive practices into daily classroom instruction and assess changes in student mindsets and learning. We will also discuss student self-efficacy and its role in academic achievement and strategies to help students develop healthy mindsets about their intelligence and success.