New Faces for Fall 2023

New Faces for Fall 2023

Posted on July 20, 2023

Please join the Department of Biology in welcoming the following new faculty and staff members:


Dr. Kwame Darfour-Oduro is a new Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests are in genomics, evolution and animal science. Dr. Darfour-Oduro uses genomic data to understand how species have adapted to their environments. His current research focuses on how introgressed genes from domestic pigs of Asia and European origins have aided in the adaptation of domestic pigs in the African environment.
Dr. Rammyani Bagchi is a new Lecturer in the Department of Biology. She is an expert in drought tolerance in crop plants and she uses gene editing techniques to develop sustainable crops with economic importance to farmers in the US and the World to help solve hunger. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas Denton and completed postdoctoral research at UC San Diego and the UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. She enjoys teaching and mentoring students and helping them achieve their goals in life.
Dr. Ashlyn Spring is a new Lecturer is the Department of Biology. Dr. Spring specializes in CURE curriculum offerings and active learning. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and completed postdoctoral research at UNC Chapel Hill. She is moving to Greensboro from the University of Wisconsin Little Falls. Her research has focused on Drosophila genetics, studying neurodegenerative disorders of neuromuscular synapses. 
Clara Hidalgo is the Program Manager for the NSF Mountain to Sea LSAMP project that is centered out of the Department of Biology at UNCG. The program offers stipends and professional development for students from underrepresented backgrounds. Clara manages the program for five institutions including UNCG, UNCW, ECU, WCU, and Appalachian State U. Clara has served in student-facing positions as an advisor, teacher, and leader and has been recognized with many accolades throughout the course of her career. She earned her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Teacher Leadership from Gardner Webb University.