In classes, I seek for my students to play an active role in their learning and try to entice them to push themselves as far as they can go. Knowledge is valuable but what really counts for me is whether it can be applied. At UNCG, I have taught the following classroom courses (general course descriptions can be found here for undergrads and here for graduates):
BIO111: Principles of Biology I Lecture
BIO111-L: Principles of Biology Lab
BIO341: Invertebrate Zoology Lecture
BIO341-L: Invertebrate Zoology Lab
BIO438: Animal Behavior Lecture
BIO536: Biology of Aging Lecture
BIO541: Entomology Lecture and Lab
BIO596: Molecular Biological Approaches in Research Seminar
BIO600: Introduction to Graduate Studies Seminar
BIO707: Seminar in Environmental Health Science
Our group is also involved in a lot of outreach – instruction of the general public – where we share our scientific experiences and knowledge about honey bee biology, the importance of pollinators, and science in general. We visit schools, give presentations to groups of citizens, such as beekeeping clubs, and regularly participate in the “Bee Friendly to Bees” day in Greensboro and the “Science Everywhere” event hosted by UNCG.