NOS Protein Levels Decrease During Larval Metamorphosis in <em>Tritia obsoleta</em>

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NOS Protein Levels Decrease During Larval Metamorphosis in Tritia obsoleta

Allison Deal Weaver – MS degree 2009 developed a Tritia-specific antibody to nitric oxide synthase (NOS), the enzyme that produces NO.  As indicated in the graph (Below), her studies of the temporal expression of the NOS protein during metamorphosis confirmed Ken’s earlier RT-PCR results, showing that NOS protein levels decrease during metamorphosis.  Her work suggested that NO production may be controlled by regulation of the quantity of NOS present as well as by the level of NOS enzyme activity (Hens et al., 2006. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 45(6): 1144).  Allison also worked with both Dr. Mark Hens and Dr. Leise while conducting her M.S. thesis research.   Supported in part by NSF grant IBN-0130677.

AboveLevels of NOS protein decrease during metamorphosis but return to previous levels after metamorphosis is completed.