Julia Loreth

Julia Loreth

Julia Loreth


(336) 256-1051
318 Sullivan Science Building


M.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

I am the co-coordinator for the Greensboro Regional NC Science Olympiad Tournament. For information on the NC Science Olympiad Tournament, click here.

I have been working on a project called The Elementary School Adopt-A-Stream and Water Testing Programme.  I work with the water resource department in GSO and more than 8 elementary schools in Guilford County, cleaning streams and water testing.  Long term data collection provides elementary students with the opportunity to observe changes in water quality over time and in different seasons.


Major Concepts in Biology (BIO 105)
Major Concepts in Biology Lab (BIO 105L)
Principles of Biology I & II (BIO 111, 112)
Principles of Biology Lab I & II (BIO 111L, 112L)
Human Anatomy Lab (BIO 271L)
Human Physiology Lab (BIO 277L)
Ecology Lab (BIO 302)
General Microbiology Lab (BIO 481L)