Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Olav RueppellPrincipal Investigator:


  Dr. Olav Rueppell
  Associate Professor
  Department of Biology 
  University of North Carolina
  206 Eberhart Bldg.
  Greensboro, NC 27403
  phone (336) 256-2591
  fax (336) 334-5839
         CV                            email: olav_rueppell!at! 


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Research

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Teaching


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Links

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: UNCG Biology Department

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: UNCG Homepage


Our office and lab space are located in the Eberhart Building

 on the main UNCG campus. Click for a broad or a detailed

map how to get there.

Our research apiary and bee facility are located

5min to the west (see map).

If you want to DONATE directly to UNCG’s honey bee research program,
please contact me or the UNCG Development Office for details.

Disclaimer: The material located at this site is not endorsed, sponsored, or provided by

or on behalf of the University of North Carolina, nor am I responsible for the content and operation of, or any damage done by the links provided!


   Current Lab Members (listed with their main interests):







Description: Description: Description: Description:









































 Humberto Boncristiani (Postdoc): Honey bee – virology and diseases

 Mike Simone-Finstroem (NCSU Postdoc): Honey bee health, stress, and lifespan

 Cordelia Sackey-Mensah (MSc candidate): Xenobiotics and intestinal stem cells

 Laura Willard (MSc candidate): In-vitro culture of intestinal stem cells

 Ryan Kuster (MSc candidate): Varroa – honey bee interactions

 Luke Dixon (REU fellow): Genetic and social effects on worker lifespan

 Tara McCray (BSc candidate): Behavioral aspects of worker aging

 Dominick DeFelice (BSc candidate): Geographic variation in mating behavior

 Bobbee Vannasane (BSc candidate): Mating frequency in Apis cerana

 Ross Nara (Volunteer): Stem cells and aging


   Past Members:


Stephanie Christine (2003-2004) è Private Industry

Kristin Ward (2004-2006) è Medical School

Jackie Metheny (2006-2007) è Research Technician at the University of West Virginia

Emily Meznar (2007-2009) è PhD program at Duke University

Allie Graham (2007-2009) è Research Technician at Duke University

Luen-Hsien Chang (2008-2009) è PhD program at Macquarie University (Australia)



Rex Kirkman (2003 – 2004), Ant behavior and demography under starvation è Research Technician

Oumar Seck (2003 – 2005) Genetics of aging è Private Industry

Robyn Douglas (2004) Honey bee biodemography è Science Education

Caroline Mulcrone (2005) Behavioral senescence è Pharmacy School

Preston Gardner (2005 – 2006) Honey bee biodemography è Medical School

Kari Fine (2005 – 2006, Excellence award) Genetics of aging and biodemography è Veterinary School (VMD-PhD)

Akuabata Kerns (2005 – 2006) Genetics of aging è Unknown

Anny Pena (2005 – 2006) Quantitative trait genetics è Medical School (Germany)

Dominique Buehler (2005 – 2006) Genetics of aging è PhD program in Switzerland

Lauren Groves (2006 – 2007) Behavioral senescence è Unknown

Jennifer Coleman (2006 – 2008, Honors thesis) Intestinal stem cell proliferation è Research Technician

Megan Wallrichs (2006 – 2008, Honors thesis) Reproductive ground plan hypothesis è M.S. program at Delaware State University

Michael Munday (2006 – 2009, Honors thesis) Fine-scale QTL mapping è Unknown

Robert Gove (Math-Bio Fellow 2007) Division of labor simulation è M.S. program at University of Maryland

Miranda Hayworth (Math-Bio Fellow 2007-2008, Excellence award) Queen mating behavior, social apoptosis è Medical School (MD-PhD)

Nels Johnson (Math-Bio Fellow 2007) Genetic diversity benefits è PhD program at Virginia Tech

Megan Leagon(Math-Bio Fellow 2007) Queen mating behavior è Secondary degree at Appalachian State University

Matthew Wilhelm (Math-Bio Fellow 2007) Honey bee mating behavior è PhD program at Columbia University

Javier Luzon (2007 – 2008) Genetics of aging, bee parasitoidsè NIH Research Internship

Kaitlin Clinnin (2007 – 2008, Excellence award) Intestinal stem cell biology è International Studies

Nathan Ross (Math-Bio Fellow 2008) Epidemiological models in of honey bees è High School Teaching

Stephen Brown (2009) Population genetics of Apis cerana è Missionary Work

Dawit Adnew (2009) Molecular evolution of ovary size candidate genes è Unknown

Nicholas Arvanitis (2009) Bioinformatic analyses è Unknown

Ellen Lonon (2009) Genetics of aging è Secondary degree at UNCG

Michelle McQuage (2009) Genetics of aging è Employed by UNCG

Ashley Hayes (2008 – 2009) è Private Industry

Danielle Lucas (2009 – 2010) Genetics of speciation è Medical School

Stephen Meier (2010) è Not yet graduated

Candice Harrison (2011) Pesticide effects on honey bee weight è Unknown



Description: Description: Description: Description: Kristin

Kristin Ward


Description: Description: Description: Description: emily

Emily Meznar


Description: Description: Description: Description: Allie

Allie Graham


Description: Description: Description: Description: JenniferColeman

Jennifer Coleman


Description: Description: Description: Description: chang

Luen-Hsien Chang


Description: Description: Description: Description: Nathan

Nathan Ross


Description: Description: Description: Description: Jackie

Jackie Metheny


Description: Description: Description: Description: Oumar Seck

Oumar Seck


Description: Description: Description: Description: Miranda

Miranda Hayworth


Description: Description: Description: Description: michael

Michael Munday


Description: Description: Description: Description: anny

Anny Pena


Description: Description: Description: Description: Megan

Megan Wallrichs


Description: Description: Description: Description: Akuabata

Akuabata Kerns


Description: Description: Description: Description: Kari

Kari Fine


Description: Description: Description: Description: robertgove

Robert Gove


Description: Description: Description: Description: Stephanie

Stephanie Christine


Description: Description: Description: Description: nels

Nels Johnson


Description: Description: Description: Description: Robyn

Robyn Linford


Description: Description: Description: Description: matthew

Matthew Willhelm


Description: Description: Description: Description: Preston

Preston Gardner


Description: Description: Description: Description: dominique

Dominique Buehler


Ashley Hayes


Description: Description: Description: Description: dawit

Dawit Adnew


Nicholas Arvanitis


Stephen Meier


Danielle Lucas


Michelle McQuage


Kaitlin Clinnin


Future Lab Members: Please Contact Me!